Travel in the US

Hitting the Open Road on a Great American Roadtrip

There’s a lot of appeal in getting behind the wheel and hitting the open road.  You can travel at your own pace with no itinerary but your own, travel with your spouse or a friend or two and take in all that America has to offer.  But even a road trip like that takes a bit of planning.  You need to know what you want to see, how much traveling you want to do each day.  Fortunately cross country road trips aren’t new and the US has some great ones.  Hitting the road on a great American roadtrip is an amazing way to see the country, here are some excellent routes to take.

Route 66

This trip has had songs dedicated to it, it has been romanticized in film and it’s an absolutely amazing way to see the country.  You start out in Chicago and it will take you all the way through to Southern California.  It is the most well-known road trip in the world and you should add it to your bucket list.  Here are some things to see on Route 66.

The Pacific Coast

At over 1,500 miles the west coast offers up a vast array of scenery as you cross through Washington, Oregon and California.  If you start in the north you can head out form Olympia in Washington and make your way down to the bottom of California to San Ysidro you can check out prehistoric forests and modern high tech cities.  On the other side of the road you will find the most incredible coastline.

The Oregon Trail

This trip is not for someone looking to get away for a couple of days.  The Oregon Trail passes through 11 states and stretches more than 3,000 miles.  It follows the trail of the pioneers who first explored the country.  If you start on the east coast you can head out from Cape Cod and you can see the diversity of the country.  This trip can take roughly three weeks along US route 20.  Along the way you can stop into Niagara Falls and Yellowstone National Park.

America is a beautiful country with plenty of  sight to see along the way.  There are plenty roadtrips that you can plan to see the country.  Heading down either coast or from New York to Los Angeles, you can see everything from small town America to the glitter and glamor of the big cities.  Take your time and enjoy the route along the way.